Friday, June 22, 2007

Anyone Lived in a Pretty How Town

Well, I finally went through with it. The green vial rested on my desk as I considered the options. On one hand, I could continue to live my father's life or I could finally make a change by taking the promicin. Needless to say, I took it. That was about 4 days ago. Since then, something amazing has happened.
I was riding with my friend when I started thinking about how he could have missed this left turn we needed to take. All of a sudden, I was seeing the road through his eyes! I knew it was the promicin that was causing it but I didn't realize to what extent I could experience things. I can use all their senses and even see their memories or daydreams if they start to picture them in their head as I am "overlapping" them (that's what I'm calling my ability).
But there is a bad side. I was testing the limits of my ability when I overlapped someone I couldn't see. Turns out, this person had a stomach flu. As I was inside their head, I felt their upset stomach. Somehow, because I still had a link to my own body, my body felt sick as well. I told my body (I can control my body even though my focus is in another person's head) to rush to the bathroom to relieve my queasy stomach.
This leads to a new set of questions. What happens if someone gets hurt while I'm overlapping with them? Since I feel what they feel, will I feel their pain as well? If the person who I overlap is delusional, will I see their hallucinations? This is all confusing.